
    Fly along


    Would you like to enjoy the region from the air and fly in an aeroplane? Then you have many options at Koblenz/Winningen airfield....

    Powered flight

    The Rhein-Mosel-Flug flight school based at the airfield offers flights in a motorised aircraft for up to three passengers. The school also offers other special flying experiences such as taster flights and aerobatics. It is best to call 02606-866 for advice or to make an appointment there directly.

    Aero-Club Koblenz e.V. can also provide those interested in flying with information about a flight/taster flight.



    Flying in a helicopter is a special experience. Please contact Heli-Service Ziegler (www.heli-ziegler.de) or AIR LLOYD Flight Services GmbH (www.airlloyd.de) for further information.



    On weekends and public holidays, weather permitting, the gliders of the Aero-Club Koblenz e.V. are active. Flights can usually be organised quickly and easily. Just ask!

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