
    NOISE Protection


    schild abflug 05


    Koblenz/Winningen airfield is surrounded by several villages. We endeavour to maintain a good relationship with the surrounding communities and take their noise protection concerns seriously.



    Information for pilots

    All pilots pass one of our large information boards before take-off, which provide information on the correct take-off procedures.



    Aerodrome Noise Protection Ordinance

    Unlike many small airfields, Koblenz/Winningen airfield is subject to the restrictions of the Airfield Noise Protection Ordinance. Among other things, it sets limits for the sound pressure level of aircraft. It also restricts flight operations with particularly loud aircraft. In addition, aerodrome circuits for training and instruction purposes are prohibited at Koblenz/Winningen airfield on Sundays and public holidays.

    You can download the aerodrome noise protection regulations here.


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