
    The Airfield



    The Koblenz-Winningen airfield (ICAO designation: EDRK) was established in 1970 after the airfield on the Karthause (Koblenz), which dated back to the Second World War, had to make way for expanding residential development in 1965. This meant that the Aero-Club Koblenz e.V., founded in 1951, also temporarily lost its home, but was one of the first users of the new airfield when it opened. The first flying school, Flugdienst Fehlhaber, began operations in 1970, and cargo flights (later from Cologne-Bonn Airport) were also offered. Even today, the gliders of the Aero-Club Koblenz still use the grass strip to the north of the runway as a take-off and landing area.

    At the beginning of the 1980s, a new and, above all, larger runway was built so that larger aircraft could now also take off and land here. The old runway was converted into a taxiway, which can still be recognised today by some shading. A new main building with a tower and restaurant was also built during the same period. The Rhineland-Palatinate police helicopter squadron has also been stationed at Koblenz-Winningen airfield for many years, initially with three Bo 105 helicopters and now with two Eurocopter EC 135 helicopters.

    Over the years, the development of the airfield has continued to grow, especially the new construction and expansion of the hangar areas. However, there are geographical limits to the expansion due to the Moselle valley. The construction of a large taxiway gate at threshold 05 (the largest of its kind in the whole of Europe) in 2003 and the associated extension of the runway to a maximum of 1,210 metres exhausted all possibilities for expansion.

    Today, the Koblenz-Winningen airfield is one of the busiest in Germany with over 35,000 aircraft movements per year. With a petrol station where all aviation fuels are available in large quantities, the airfield is also ideal as a stopover for longer flights. At weekends in particular, Koblenz-Winningen is a popular destination for pilots from all over Germany and far beyond. Around 90 private and business aircraft are currently stationed at the airfield. In addition to Rhein-Mosel-Flug GmbH (flight school and charter), the company GM Aviation GmbH (aircraft hangar and avionics) has also found its home here. The Aero-Club Koblenz e.V. is the only air sports club based at the site and offers a wide range of flying activities, including gliding. 

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