
    Please note: The following illustrations are for preliminary information and illustration purposes only. They are not intended for navigational use and do not replace the published approach sheets.

    Aerodrome circuit

    The Koblenz-Winningen airfield has two airfield circuits, the north and the south circuit. Both circuits are always in operation. With the exception of gliders, all motorized aircraft, including microlights of all types, must keep to these circuits. Entry into the aerodrome circuit is via the northern or southern approach. Flying into the aerodrome circuit must be reported on the aerodrome frequency.


    As both aerodrome circuits are in operation, it is quite possible that two aircraft will enter the final approach from different lateral approaches. Pay particular attention to the position reports of other aircraft during this phase and adjust your approach accordingly at an early stage. If it is necessary to abort the approach, do not fly into the opposite lateral approach under any circumstances! Take off according to the aerodrome circuit guidance or leave the aerodrome circuit for a new approach.anflugkarte gegenverkehr

    Attention: Glider traffic

    Glider traffic is to be expected at the airfield, especially at weekends and on public holidays, but also at other times. Gliders use the grass runway north of the asphalt runway for take-off and landing. The glider airfield circuit lies to the north "inside" the motorized airfield circuit. When approaching, watch out for any gliders approaching at the same time. In the area of the right cross-approach to runway 23, the approach paths run very close together. All gliders are required to announce the start of the landing approach at the points marked on the map (the so-called "position") with the following radio message: "D-XY position for landing 23/05 grass". Special care is required of all pilots during mixed operations.

    anflugkarte segelflug

    In weather conditions with strong northerly or westerly winds, gliders sometimes stay in the marked slope flight zones. Below an altitude of approx. 1600 ft MSL, they return directly to the glider airfield circuit. Koblenz-RADIO will provide you with separate information if required.

    Use of the grass runway is only permitted with the prior approval of flight control. Winch ropes may be laid out!

    Attention: Noise protection

    We strive to maintain good neighborly relations with the surrounding communities and ask you to support us in this.

    As a general rule, flying over villages should be avoided. Please plan your approaches and departures accordingly and use the published information and aids. In particular, long final approaches to runway 23 and straight-in departures from runway 05 are prohibited.

    anflugkarte lrmschutz

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